Suicide Data Indicators

ASTHO developed a suicide data indicator explorer and report to assist members in leveraging existing data and data sources more effectively. The suicide data indicator explorer and the report will help members better understand the risk and protective factors related to suicide prevention. Members can use the explorer and report to identify indicators to inform the selection of prevention strategies and evaluation of suicide prevention programs. Additionally, these resources help demonstrate the suicide burden and readiness for implementing prevention strategies.

Suicide Indicator Explorer Guide

The guide outlines the selection process for the suicide data indicators and instructions on how to use the explorer.

Suicide Data Indicators Explorer

The explorer allows users to search and filter over 400 indicators from nearly 30 data sources. Users can explore indicators by risk and protective factor, social-ecological level, strategies and approaches, and population. Users can explore data sources by geography and demographic and social characteristics. Additionally, the explorer allows users to download images of their selections.