2023 SEHD Annual Meeting In Person Registration

This event was canceled.
When:  Apr 18, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM (ET)

The State Environmental Health Directors (SEHD) are an organized peer group within ASTHO whose membership includes environmental health leadership from U.S. state and territorial health agencies (S/THAs). Originally convened in 2005, the SEHD peer group strives to advance the practice of environmental public health with the following goals:

  • Develop a national identity and unified voice for state environmental public health practice;
  • Enhance relationships and communication among states and partners; and
  • Provide a forum for discussing key and emerging environmental health issues.

The SEHD Annual Meeting serves as an excellent opportunity for state environmental health leaders to connect with their counterparts in other states and territories, share experiences, and take a broad view of environmental health issues across the nation. Federal and NGO partners are also invited and encouraged to be active participants in the meeting. Through facilitated discussion, participants will set priorities for the upcoming year and strategize ways to build capacity to address common environmental health challenges.

This year, the SEHD Annual Meeting will be a hybrid meeting with option of attending in-person or virtually. The in-person option will be held in Atlanta, GA.